
  • Clean, simple interface that works on various terminals
  • Ability to search for applications using environment variables (e.g. $PATH) and user-provided list of directories
  • It can be configured to launch via a key-binding
  • It can optionally open an application in terminal (see key shortcuts)
  • It allows providing arguments to applications (see key shortcuts)
  • Remembers previously launched applications allowing to find them more quickly
  • Fuzzy search (parts of the query can be separated with a space)
  • Applications can be launched with 1, 2, ..., 0 keys, depending on their position in the search results
  • Fast, uses cache by default
  • Easy to configure using a single text file
  • Able to run an application and detach it from terminal (e.g. xstarter -e firefox)
  • it can provide contents of its cache to outside programs (xstarter -P)